Marysia S. Peres
is an actress, fashion model, language enthusiast and seasoned traveler.
The love of film started in her childhood, when she would have gladly skipped any activity in exchange for a movie night.
But what eventually led her to acting was a love of storytelling and possibility to transform into different characters and learn new skills in the process.
Marysia enjoys a healthy lifestyle, and believes in positive thinking and hard work.
Playing Age
Height / Weight / Eyes / Hair
5’9 (176cm) / 55 kg (121 lbs) / Brown / Light Brown
Current Location
Margie Haber ISP (Los Angeles, USA), RADA Class Acts (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, London, UK), Paul Barry (Acting4Camera, Los Angeles, USA), AMAW Intensive with Anthony Meindl (London, UK), “Hollywood in Rome” seminar and scene work with Paul Haggis (Rome, Italy), Nancy Bishop Coaching workshop (Prague, Czech Republic), etc.
English, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, German
Standard American, British RP, Eastern European, Russian, French
Classical dance, modern dance, yoga, martial arts (basic), singing, painting, fashion & commercial modeling
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
by Roman philosopher SenecaImages
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